Hello dearests!
You ever had that thrilling, exuberant feeling of ENERGY suddenly rushing through your entire body?
Perhaps you worked on a project that you saw leading nowhere when the Universe on your road put that special someone who gave you loving advice, or said what you were working on was “Exciting”- and it immediately released a divine RUSH OF EEEENERGYYYY!
Did you think this to be merely a feeling coming from nowhere special place?
... think again.
That was Spirit flowing through you, communicating how good you are doing & asking you for heaven's sake, whatever you're up to Continue on doing it! 😀
Trust your emotions dear.
If it looks, feels & walks lIke ecstasy, it is nothing less than God in you yahooing down your inner canyon, yelling - because we tend to be hearing impaired - that you're on the path that leads you to your dreams fulfilled.
Don't hide your smile.
Just say “Thank you” 🙏🏻
and keep on walking that path.
((🙂🙃🙂)) Taakk 🙏